Are Dry Eyes Standing In Your Way?

Are your eyes dry or irritated? You could have a common condition called dry eye syndrome. This occurs if you aren’t producing enough tears or the tears produced are low in quality. Keep reading to learn more about dry eyes and why you shouldn’t let them stand in your way! How do you know if… Read More
Will Too Much Time In The Sun Cause Dry Eyes?

During the warm summer months, do you love spending all your free time outside in the sun? Are you always forgetting a hat or sunglasses when you go outside? When the weather becomes nice, it’s natural to want to be outdoors all the time. It could be going on walks, swimming, running, sailing, water skiing,… Read More
Could Dry Eye Cause Pain?

Do you find that your eyes feel dry while you wear contacts? Are your eyes uncomfortable when you look at screens for too long? This could mean that you are experiencing dry eye. Keep reading to find out more about this debilitating eye condition! What Is Dry Eye? Dry eye is a very common condition…. Read More