There’s Nothing to Be Afraid of Before Cataract Surgery in Omaha, and Here’s Why

Do you have cataracts? Are they making it difficult to see and live your life? Cataract surgery is the only effective treatment for cataracts. Because cataracts are so prevalent, affecting nearly half of all adults by age 75, cataract surgery is the country’s most commonly performed medical procedure. Millions of people undergo cataract surgery every… Read More
3 Reasons You May Need Cataract Surgery

Do you suffer from cataracts? They are a common eye condition in many patients. They tend to come on gradually as a result of aging. You may hardly notice them at first, but eventually, they will impair your vision. You will need to undergo cataract surgery when your vision limits your quality of life. For… Read More
Can I Drive If I Have Cataracts?

While you drive, do you see halos around lights? Do you have cataracts? Cataracts can make many things challenging including driving. Keep reading to learn if it’s safe to drive with cataracts! What is a Cataract? Cataracts occur when the natural lens in your eye becomes cloudy. This is due to proteins in the… Read More
What You Need To Know About Cataracts

A cataract occurs when the lens of the eye becomes cloudy. This is because of proteins in the eye that migrate to the center of the lens with aging. In its early stages, cataract symptoms are not usually noticeable. It’s as the cataract develops that it causes blurred vision and other symptoms. If left untreated,… Read More
4 Tips to Lower Your Risk of Cataracts

The good news is, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of going blind from cataracts. First, let’s review the symptoms of cataracts and how to know if you should have cataract surgery. What are the symptoms of cataracts? Cataract symptoms include cloudy vision, halos from light, sensitivity to light, difficulty seeing… Read More